Ugovore je s izvođačima radova potpisao gradonačelnik Ivan Penava.
Grad Vukovar je navedeni projekt prijavio na poziv MRRFEU-a iz programa „Energija i klimatske promjene“ , a kroz njega će se izgraditi 12 solarnih elektrana i to na sljedećim lokacijama: Osnovna škola Antuna Bauera, Osnovna škola Dragutina Tadijanovića, Osnovna škola Blage Zadre, Osnovna škola Siniše Glavaševića, Osnovna škola Nikole Andrića, Osnovna škola Mitnica, Dječji vrtić Vukovar I – Centralni objekt, Dječji vrtić Vukovar I – Vukovar Novi, Gradska uprava Vukovar, Gradska tržnica Vukovar, Sportska dvorana „Danijel Rehak“ u Borovu naselju te Plivalište Vukovar.
Ukupna snaga svih elektrana iznosi 801,90 kW, a udio zelene energije u ukupnoj potrošnji nekretnina iznosit će oko 53 %.
Projekt „Sunce nad Vukovarom“ sufinanciran je iz EGP financijskog mehanizma za razdoblje od 2014. do 2021. godine u okviru provedbe Programa „Energija i klimatske promjene“, uz podršku Islanda, Kneževine Lihtenštajn i Kraljevine Norveške.
Projekt se provodi u suradnji s norveškim partnerom – Energy Farm International Foundation, rok provedbe projekta je 2 godine, a njegova ukupna vrijednost iznosi 774.968,55 eura. Stopa financiranja projekta putem bespovratnih sredstava iznosi 85 %, odnosno 658.723,27 eura.
Gradonačelnik Penava ovom je prilikom izrazio zadovoljstvo ovim velikim projektom koji će donijeti znatne uštede energije. „Zadovoljstvo nam je danas predstaviti projekt putem kojega u Vukovaru na javnim zgradama postavljamo 12 novih solarnih elektrana, a koji se sufinancira putem financijskog mehanizma Norveške, Islanda i Lihtenštajna. Veliki je ovo iskorak jer smo na području Hrvatske osigurali izgradnju najvećeg broja solarnih elektrana po ovom pozivu, a zahvaljujući vrijednom i predanom radu Upravnog odjela za komunalno gospodarstvo i graditeljstvo Grada Vukovara. 12 novih izvora energije dobivene iz sunca na tragu je energetske održivosti, učinkovitosti i zelene tranzicije kojoj težimo. Hvala svima koji su doprinijeli projektu, Veleposlanstvu Norveške s kojima smo u suradnji te se nadam kako će građani Vukovara od ovoga imati koristi u vidu energetske sigurnosti i snižavanja troškova korištenja samih objekata.“, rekao je gradonačelnik Penava.
Voditelj projekta, Branko Knežević pojasnio je kako je u planu izgraditi 12 solarnih elektrana za vlastite potrebe objekata kojima će namirivati potrošnju električne energije. „Očekujemo uštedu na potrošnji električne energije od oko 100 tisuća eura godišnje. Vijek ovih elektrana je otprilike 20 godina, pa se s time očekuje ušteda od oko 2 milijuna eura.“, rekao je Knežević te dodao: „Grad Vukovar je zajedno s Regionalnom energetskom agencijom sjeverozapadne Hrvatske izradio projektno-tehničku dokumentaciju vrijednosti 125.000,00 kuna što je bilo u potpunosti sufinancirano bespovratnim sredstvima, a nakon toga smo se prijavili na natječaj Ministarstva regionalnog razvoja i fondova Europske unije gdje smo prijavili 12 objekata. Kroz natječaj „Energija i klimatske promjene“ ostvarili smo sufinanciranje od 85% vrijednosti projekta. Naknadno smo se prijavili i za sufinanciranje EU projekata te ostvarili bespovratna sredstva od 60 tisuća eura, što u konačnici Grad Vukovar obvezuje na 60 tisuća eura po ovom projektu. Paralelno smo prijavili i projekt za istraživanje geotermalnih potencijala na području Vukovara, gdje smo također osigurali bespovratna sredstva u visini od 85%. Razvijamo i taj projekt i gledamo u budućnosti imati pripremljenu dokumentaciju kako bismo osigurali sredstva preko Nacionalnog plana oporavka i otpornosti te svih ostalih izvora, s obzirom kako se nastoji financirati pametno, digitalno i zeleno.“, zaključuje Knežević.
The City of Vukovar has been approved for the "Sun over Vukovar" project, which will build solar power plants on buildings owned by the City of Vukovar, and for which a kick-off conference was held and the ceremonial signing of the contract with the contractors, the companies ELEKTRO-ENERGETIKA d.o.o. and ĐURO ĐAKOVIĆ ELEKTROMONTAŽA d.o.o.
Mayor Ivan Penava signed the contracts with the contractors.
The city of Vukovar submitted the mentioned project at the invitation of the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds from the "Energy and Climate Change" program, and through it 12 solar power plants will be built in the following locations: “Antun Bauer” Elementary School, “Dragutin Tadijanović” Elementary School, “Blago Zadro” Elementary School, “Siniša Glavašević” Elementary School, “Nikola Andrić” Elementary School, “Mitnica” Elementary School, Kindergarten Vukovar I - Central Facility, Kindergarten Vukovar I - Vukovar Novi, City Administration Vukovar, City Market Vukovar, Sports Hall "Danijel Rehak" in Borovo naselje and Swimming Pool Vukovar .
The total power of all power plants is 801.90 kW, and the share of green energy in the total consumption of real estate will be around 53%.
The "Sun over Vukovar" project was co-financed from the EEA financial mechanism for the period from 2014 to 2021 as part of the implementation of the "Energy and Climate Change" Program, with the support of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway.
The project is implemented in cooperation with the Norwegian partner - Energy Farm International Foundation, the project implementation period is 2 years, and its total value is 774,968.55 €. The rate of financing the project through grants amounts to 85%, or 658,723.27 €.
On this occasion, the Mayor Penava expressed his satisfaction with this large project, which will bring significant energy savings. "Today we are pleased to present a project through which we are installing 12 new solar power plants on public buildings in Vukovar, which is co-financed through the financial mechanism of Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. This is a big step forward, because we have ensured the construction of the largest number of solar power plants in the territory of Croatia under this call, and thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Administrative Department for Municipal Economy and Construction of the City of Vukovar. 12 new sources of energy obtained from the sun are on the trail of energy sustainability, efficiency and the green transition we strive for. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the project, the Embassy of Norway, with whom we are cooperating, and I hope that the citizens of Vukovar will benefit from this in terms of energy security and lowering the costs of using the facilities themselves," said the mayor Penava.
The project manager, Branko Knežević explained that the plan is to build 12 solar power plants for the facilities' own needs, which will satisfy the electricity consumption. "We expect savings on electricity consumption of around 100,000 euros per year. The lifespan of these power plants is approximately 20 years, so savings of around 2 million euros are expected with this," said Knežević and added: "The City of Vukovar together with the Regional Energy Agency of Northwestern Croatia prepared design and technical documentation worth HRK 125,000.00, which was fully co-financed by grants, and after that we applied to the tender of the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds, where we applied for 12 facilities. Through the "Energy and Climate Change" competition, we achieved co-financing of 85% of the project's value. Subsequently, we also applied for co-financing of EU projects and obtained grants of 60 thousand euros, which ultimately obligates the City of Vukovar to 60 thousand euros for this project. At the same time, we also applied for a project for the research of geothermal potential in the area of Vukovar, where we also secured a grant of 85%. We are also developing that project and we are looking to have prepared documentation in the future in order to secure funds through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan and all other sources, considering how smart, digital and green financing is being sought," concludes Knežević.
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