U okviru projekta, a s ciljem upoznavanja s projektnim aktivnostima za dionike projekta te ravnatelje institucija na čijim krovovima se postavljaju solarne elektrane održana je radionica koju je predvodio voditelj projekta Dražen Čulig.
Na radionici se upoznavalo s tijekom projekta te njegovim krajnjim ciljevima. Kao gost radionice putem platforme Zoom se uključio i partner na projektu, predstavnik norveške tvrtke Energy Farm International Foundation Erik Eid Hohle koji je dionike projekta upoznao s primjerima dobre prakse.
Mirjana Kulić, ravnateljica Dječjeg vrtića Vukovar I, jedne od zgrada na kojoj se postavlja solarna elektrana, istaknula je kako vjeruju u veliku uštedu koja će nastati po realizaciji projekta te kako će to za vrtić značiti puno.
Ukupna vrijednost projekta “Sunce nad Vukovarom” iznosi 774.968,55 eura odnosno 5.839.000,54 kuna. Stopa financiranja Projekta putem bespovratnih sredstava iznosi 85%, odnosno 658.723,27 eura. Razdoblje probedbe projekta je od 6. svibnja 2022. godine do 26. travnja 2024. godine.
Projekt je sufinanciran iz EGP financijskog mehanizma za razdoblje od 2014. do 2021. godine u okviru provedbe Programa “Energija i klimatske promjene”, uz podršku Islanda, Kneževine Lihtenštajn i Kraljevine Norveške.
Projekt se provodi u suradnji s norveškim partnerom - Energy Farm International Foundation.
With the "Sun over Vukovar" project, the City of Vukovar is installing solar power plants on 12 publicly owned buildings.
Within the framework of the project, and with the aim of getting to know the project activities for project stakeholders and directors of institutions on whose roofs solar power plants are installed, a workshop was held led by project manager Dražen Čulig.
At the workshop, the course of the project and its ultimate goals were introduced. Project partner Erik Eid Hohle, a representative of the Norwegian company Energy Farm International Foundation, participated as a guest of the workshop via the Zoom platform, who introduced the project stakeholders to examples of good practice.
Mirjana Kulić, director of Kindergarten Vukovar I, one of the buildings where the solar power plant is being installed, pointed out that they believe in the great savings that will result from the implementation of the project and that it will mean a lot to the kindergarten.
The total value of the "Sun over Vukovar" project amounts to EUR 774,968.55, or HRK 5,839,000.54. The financing rate of the Project through grants amounts to 85% or EUR 658,723.27. The construction period of the project is from May 6, 2022 to April 26, 2024.
The project was co-financed from the EEA financial mechanism for the period from 2014 to 2021 as part of the implementation of the "Energy and Climate Change" Program, with the support of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway.
The project is implemented in cooperation with the Norwegian partner - Energy Farm International Foundation.
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